Bullet and Ordered Lists behave differently in FireFox and Internet Explorer

  •  07-20-2010, 2:02 PM

    Bullet and Ordered Lists behave differently in FireFox and Internet Explorer

    Hello, i'm trying to use line breaks BR as the default BreakElement but they are behaving differently in FF and IE. 
    For this text:
    In FF, if you click anywhere on the 2nd line, and click the bullet list button, the bullet is for that line as expected.
    aaaaa<br />
    aaaaa<br />
    in IE doing the same thing of ; if I click anywhere on the 2nd line, and click the bullet list button, the bullet is going to the start of the page not like FF.  It should behave just like FF.
        <li>aaaaa<br />
        aaaaa<br />
        aaaaa<br />
    Anyone know how to get the same behavior in IE as in FF?  The FF way should be the proper way as it's most intuitive and just makes sense.
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