Button not clickable in Firefox 3.6.4

  •  06-24-2010, 1:44 PM

    Button not clickable in Firefox 3.6.4

    I have users reporting that they are unable to click on the upload button in Firefox. I am able to reproduce the error as well. It doesn't appear disabled. It looks fine, it just doesn't click. I have the uploader in several different portions of the website, and it doesn't respond to a click on any of them (both left and right clicks don't work).
    Firefox 3.6.4 release introduced "crash protection" for third party controls using flash / silverlight, etc. I wondering if this is a Firefox bug or an issue with the control.
    A co-workers computer has the same version of Firefox (3.6.4), and his works fine. So it doesn't appear to be a consistent problem with everyone, which makes it even more puzzling.
    OS is Windows 7.
    Flash version is
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