Re: custom browse button not changing cursor on mouse over

  •  06-22-2010, 9:16 AM

    Re: custom browse button not changing cursor on mouse over

    I have the same issue, but to me the issue is more general and therefor the fix isn't working for me.
    I have a custom uploadbutton of type asp:LinkButton. I can set the CssClass of that button that contains a background-image. In CSS I also declare a :hover for the class. Everything works fine but not the hover. When I view the code I can see why the hover isn't working. Client-side there's a div created with an object and it's basically an overlay over my LinkButton. There will never be a hover of my Html control, only the hovers for the dynamically added clientside div and object for the InsertButton.
    Isn't the InsertButtonStyle-CssClass ment to cover this functionality? I think the ability to use general functionality like hover for the InsertButton is required and I think setting the InsertButton-CssClass should result in setting either the class for the dynamic div or the object. This way general html functionality is still applicable for the InsertButton.
    Or is there something else that's set when u set InsertButtonStyle-CssClass? When I look in the source I can't find anything set with the class I set.
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