You need follow all installation steps, if you only upload folder "cuteeditor_files", it will not work. Installation steps are as follows,
1. Install CuteEditor assembly and license file
Copy the following files to your application bin folder.
- CuteEditor.dll
- CuteEditor.ImageEditor.dll
- NetSpell.SpellChecker.dll
- CuteEditor.lic
2. Copy CuteEditor Client files
The "CuteSoft_Client" folder and all file it contains should be deployed to http://{your site}/{your application}/ on your web site.
If you want to deploy CuteEditor Client file to a different location, please check the developer's guide.
3. Add Uploader httpModule to web.config's httpModules list
To allow CuteEditor to upload big files, you need to add Uploader HttpModule to your application.
IIS 5.0, 6.0 and IIS 7.0 Classic mode
<add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>
IIS 7.0 Integrated mode
<add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>
4. Add CuteEditor to an ASP.NET page