succeeding paragraphs combined after hitting enter

  •  06-10-2010, 4:22 PM

    succeeding paragraphs combined after hitting enter

    Hello.  I am facing a production-critical problem where, if I hit enter inside of a paragraph, it does not close the paragraph and begin a new one.  Instead, it merges all succeeding paragraphs together and prepends the remaining text inside the paragraph where I hit enter to this new combined paragraph.  For example:
    <p>Line One.</p>
    <p>Line Two.</p>
    <p>Line Three.</p>
    <p>Line Four.</p>
    <p>Line Five.</p>
     <p>Line One.</p>
    <p>Line Two.</p>
    <p>Line </p>
    <p>Three.Line Four.Line Five.</p>
    Instead of:
    <p>Line One.</p>
    <p>Line Two.</p>
    <p>Line Four.</p>
    <p>Line Five.</p>
    Any ideas?  We were about to push this to production when found this bug and are now facing serious customer pressure to resolve this issue.
    It seems to work just fine in your online demo (  I have the BreakElement set to P.  It seems to happen no matter what browser I am using.
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