I upgraded yetanotherforum to version 1.9.4 RC2, and it seems to have broken CuteEditor again.
The YAF developers say the 'plug in' implementation (posted above, no recompile needed, just add a .cs file) should still work.
What happens......
in YAF: trying to create a post (either new topic or reply) yields an empty editor window. It LOOKS like it's trying to populate, but the area is blank, I can't type in it, and there's no toolbar. Also, the 'normal', 'html' and 'preview' buttons at the bottom of the frame don't show (just red X's)
I tried a demo test page (called cutetest.aspx, I've used it before to verify if CE was working outside of YAF) and get the same behavior.
Did I break something?
Right click > Properties on the red X's say:
for the 'normal' button, for example. The files are there (in subfolder of YAF, ~/Cutesoft_Client/CuteEditor/ and sub-folders
test page is at:
1 normal behavior (YAF 1.9.4 RC1)
2 broken CE window (YAF 1.9.4 RC2)
3. broken test page
Running CuteEditor in YetanotherForum at