Firefox fit to window issues

  •  05-11-2010, 1:25 PM

    Firefox fit to window issues

    I searched around the forums but cannot find any other issues similar to this.  Seems to be only Firefox affected.
    My Cute Editor boxes are set to be 100px in height, but when I click on the Fit to window box, and then restore, the Cute Editors  do not restore back to their original size...they appear to be about twice the height.  This doesn't happen in IE, only in Firefox.
    Also, I was experimenting putting tables into my Editor box...i used a suggestion from another post to lock down the size of the table, using the EnableObjectResizing set to false.  When loading the page in Firefox everything is fine, you cannot resize...but when you fit to window it loses that setting and you can resize them again.  And then after restoring it still can be to window seems to be dropping the setting?  This again is a Firefox issue as well, IE appears to work.
    Any ideas here as to why Firefox behaves odd when using the fit to window?
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