Re: 2.0 Documentation?

  •  04-24-2005, 10:32 PM

    Re: 2.0 Documentation?

     odonel wrote:
    this is the errors i am getting in both cutechat and cs1 after integration attempt. they both were working fine
    Error: Unknown Community Site
    The site  "localhost/forums" could not be loaded.
    We apologize, but the requested Community Server site was not found.
    A technical explanation of why this error is caused is below.

    Community Server supports multiple instances per-install. You will receive this error if the requested URL is not registered with Community Server.
    If you can have not configured any sites, you can do so using the 'New Community Server Site Wizard'.
    If you already have an existing site and would simply like to add another site, you can also accomplish this using the 'New Community Server Site Wizard'.
    Both of these tasks can be accomplished manually by using the following stored procedures:
      To create a new Community: cs_system_CreateCommunity
      To point two or more URLs to a single Community: cs_system_AddNewUrl
    There is something wrong with your community server installation.

     odonel wrote:
    i wonder if cutesoft tries those instructions themeselves before they post them ?

    Yes. We have tested it. Many users have successfully integrated Cute Chat with community server by following the instructions.

    Our Web site, CuteSoft.NET is using the community server 1.0 right now.
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