We had originally deployed the CuteSoft_Editor folder to the root of our web application. We want to move it to a separate location so it can be referenced by multiple apps from one source. We followed the deployment docs:
1. Copy the files under CuteEditor to the target directory.
2. Map the directory in IIS as a virtual directory only (not application).
3. Add the following entry into your web.config.
<add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/editor" />
We set up a virtual directory called "CuteSoft_Editor" on our web server that was a copy of the folder deployed in the original web app, and removed the folder from the web app. We tried to add the key noted above but even as:
<add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/CuteSoft_Editor" />
It doesn't work. We get a "Path not found" error trying to load the editor.
- Your doc doesn't say in what section of web.config this key belongs. Is it AppSettings? If not, where?
- The format of the value implies a location relative to the web app loading the editor. If the editor files are in a completely different virtual directory doesn't this reference need to be absolute? (i.e. value="http://servername/CuteSoft_Editor")?