Unable to Upload Multiple Images directly from a Canon PowerShot SD8901S

  •  05-05-2010, 8:04 AM

    Unable to Upload Multiple Images directly from a Canon PowerShot SD8901S

    My user's have run into an issue with the Canon PowerShot.
    They attach the camera.
    The PC assigns it a drive letter.
    Through our ASP.NET app that utilizes the Ajax Uploader, the user browses the camera and selects images to upload.
    If the user selects a single image, the upload completes without error.
    However, if the user selects more than one image, the transaction fails with an error similar to this:
    Path does not exist
    Please verify the correct path given  
    If the user copies these same images off the camera's memory onto a hard drive or network drive, then they can upload multiple images in a single transaction without error.
    Using our same ASP.NET app, with different cameras, the users are able to upload multiple images directly from the camera.  
    Any ideas what might be going on with this Canon PowerShot?

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