
  •  05-04-2010, 8:26 AM


    I am looking for a way to detect on the client-side if the content of editor is "dirty". Meaning: if it has been modified. But i can't seem to find anything in the documentation.
    Adam was asked about a "isDirty" JavaScript property In this forum thread from December 2006 and he said "We will include this feature in the coming version 6.0". I can't find any reference to this feature.I could attach to the "onkeypress" event and keep track of a "isDirty" value but that would not take into account the fact that user could click the "undo" button. Also, it doesn't take into account the fact that the user could switch into HTML mode and paste his content.
    What is the best way for me to detect if the content of the editor is "dirty"?
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