Re: Editor is disabled if instantiated on a NON active Tab

  •  04-30-2010, 9:49 AM

    Re: Editor is disabled if instantiated on a NON active Tab

    Here is the URL where you can see it in action --
    Notice how when the page loads you are on the "General" tab. Now click on the "Additional Materials" tab. 
    The fields titled "HTML Description", "Media Materials" and "Educational Materials" are all Cute Editors. Notice how 
    they are disabled. Now, simply refresh the page and notice how they become enabled and the toolbars appear.
    Additionally, I have noticed that if I force the tab container to start on the "Additional Materials" tab then the 
    Editors  will be enabled and will have the full set of toolbars, however, if the user enters the page on a
    different tab then they can never use the editors.
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