Editor is disabled if instantiated on a NON active Tab

  •  04-29-2010, 10:11 AM

    Editor is disabled if instantiated on a NON active Tab

    Using an AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer consisting of 6 AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel objects. Here is the problem:
    When the page loads we are dynamically building all the controls that reside on each of the TabPanels. This is all done during Page_Init. When the page renders the user is on say Tab 1. Accessing Tab 4 (This is where there are 3 Cute Editors) renders the Editors, however, they have no toolbar and are disabled (nothing can be entered into the control). However, if you force the  ActiveTabIndex upon Page_Init to tab 4 then the Editor renders correctly and the toolbars are visible and the control is enabled. Additionally, if the user begins on Tab 1, selects Tab 4 and then refreshes their entire page the Editors on Tab 4 now become usable.
    My question is how can I get the Editor to be Enabled and Usable regardless of what tab the user enters the page on and without having to have them refresh their page?
    We are running version 6.6 on .NET 3.5.
    Derek Bemis
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