Re: Image upload issues with upgrade to v6.6

  •  04-20-2010, 8:50 PM

    Re: Image upload issues with upgrade to v6.6

    Hi Adam
    I followed instructions you gave me. I created a TEMP folder in the root of the web directory. I gave both NETWORK_SERVICE and IIS_WPG modify permission on TEMP. I also added the key

    <add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="~/TEMP"/>

    to the web.config file.
     IE 7 works and I can now upload files to the server. However, Firefox is still giving the same error (Unable to find the uploaded file in directory: c:\path_to_web_root\TEMP) but now for the new location I defined in the web.config file (c:\path_to_web_root\TEMP). Any other ideas for Firefox?
    I noticed that after uploading a file through IE 7, there is now a file in the TEMP folder named "persisted.33b99221-6898-4c7b-a09d-525b8de50a65.dragon.jpg.resx". I assume the AJAX control doesn't remove the temp files after its done with them? If I want this folder emptied periodically, will I need to write scheduled batch to do this?
    Also, any thoughts on my previous question:
    Another question is how can I specify an unlimited value for max width, max height and max size (using
    SetSecurityMaxImageDimension(w,h) for example)? I tried "0" but it seems the editor intreprets that literally.
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