I have dowloaded the trial version of DotNetGallery. I am using Visual Studio 2008 (,net 3.5) and have copied the DotNetGallery.dll and lic file to website root bin folder.
I have the following within web.config httpmodules section:
<add name=" DotNetGallery.UploadModule" type="DotNetGallery.UploadModule,DotNetGallery"/>
I have the following tag at the top of the aspx page
<%@ Register TagPrefix="DotNetGallery" Namespace="DotNetGallery" Assembly="DotNetGallery" %>
And used the following in the page:
<dotnetgallery:gallerybrowser id="dotnetgallery1" GalleryFolder="myGallery" runat="server"></dotnetgallery:gallerybrowser>
When I compile the website I get the following erro:
Could not load file or assembly 'DotnetGallery' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
Please help.