Hidden CuteEditor doesn't get initialized in Firefox, Chrome and Safari

  •  03-08-2010, 7:22 AM

    Hidden CuteEditor doesn't get initialized in Firefox, Chrome and Safari

    We have our CuteEditor (version 6.0, but 6.6 has the same error) in an ASP.NET AJAX ModalPopup, which means it is hidden by default. When a user wants to edit a rich text field, we show the modal popup and use the JavaScript API to set the HTML in the editor and retrieve it again when editing is done.
    This works perfectly in IE (8) but not at all in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. When I make the editor visible by default it does work as well in those browsers (but it's no option for me). Just setting "display:none" (which is also done by the ModalPopupExtender) in the CSS style is enough for making it break. The editor doesn't initialize any longer, doesn't register its' javascript API (via prototyping) and we can't use the setHTML() and getHTML() functions.
    Does anyone have a clue on how to make this work? I've noticed some threads here with related issues but none of them gives an answer...
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