Inserting a template converts some absolute https urls to relative in IE

  •  03-02-2010, 2:39 AM

    Inserting a template converts some absolute https urls to relative in IE

    Inserting a template (Cute Editor
    I have a template with absolute urls in the .htm file of type:
    After inserting the template in IE and switching to the HTML view, these urls are shown as:
     That is, they are either converted to relative urls, or the https://domain/ -part is lost somewhere.
    This will break links where absolute urls are required, like in emails.
    Non-SSL urls http://domain/?querystring stay as they are in the .htm template.
    Also, if the url in the template is written as:
    ,it will stay like it is. This is the easiest fix so far.

    Other strange issues with http://domain/?querystring urls
    Switching between Normal and HTML views in IE does not convert the absolute https url to relative, but adds the default.aspx part.
    https://domain/?querystring -> https://domain/default.aspx?querystring.
    The default.aspx comes probably from the current address, since all pages in a DotNetNuke site use default.aspx.
    I also tested with FF3.5 and Chrome. They behave quite differently, but do not break links by losing the https://domain part.
    Cute Editor also didn't break links. But as far as I can get it, http and https urls are processed differently by IE in Cute Editor 6.6.
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