Control customization

  •  02-10-2010, 4:25 AM

    Control customization

    Hello to all.
    I just downloaded PHPFileUploader and would like to know if there is an option to dynamically delete a file after it's uploaded but before the whole form is submitted. In other words I'd like to show a X image next to each uploaded file, so that when clicked it will remove the respective file.
    Also, I'm reading in the include_phpuploader.php the following (and other similar ones):
        /// It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the insert button of ajax uploader.
        public $InsertButtonID;
    So what am I supposed to put in there in order to customize the Browser to let's say a simple image?
    Oh, and one final question, I will be using this script to upload files of the following file types: .dox .xls .txt .pdf
    So, ideally, I'd like to change the default paperclip icon on the left of each uploaded file so that it shows an icon according to the uploaded file. For example an PDF icon for .pdf, an XLS ion for .xls etc... Is that possible?
    Thanks in advance for your replies.
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