Re: Completely Disable Auto-Formatting of HTML Code

  •  02-08-2010, 2:50 PM

    Re: Completely Disable Auto-Formatting of HTML Code

    That's impossible.
    (1) I'm not using I.E., I'm using Safari. But I've tried it on other browsers and it's the same. The only difference I notice between browsers is that some change it simply by switching between normal and HTML view, while others only change it when the form reloads after a post. Either way, the "code cleaning up" is clearly a behavior of the software, not the browser.
    (2) Browsers do not recognize and amend the contents of form fields. If I use a regular textarea, my html code does not get touched, before, during, or after the form post. This is obviously a process of the application itself. You advertise it as a feature right on your website!!!

    Please remove this feature or provide a way to turn it off. I don't want my tags closed, or my indentation scheme decided for me, or my style properties modified. I just want my code to stay *exactly* as it is!
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