Okay, I'm not a programmer so I'm not sure how this is all supposed to work. Ideally I want clients to upload files that are too big for e-mail but not big enough to warrant creating a CD to send us. We use Network Solutions as our web host provider. The phpuploader folder is in my files folder which is in the htdocs folder ending up with this URL: http://nemecek-cole.com/files/phpuploader
I would like the uploaded files to end up in the files folder for me to retreive via FTP after the client is done.
I can't find any of the uploaded files. It doesn't seem to be working properly as I've gotten some strange results.
Sometimes I end up getting this error and sometimes it finishes but no file is listed.
Here is my index.php file in /files :
<?php require_once "phpuploader/include_phpuploader.php" ?>
<form id="form1" method="POST">
// Create Uploader object.
$uploader=new PhpUploader();
// Set a unique name to Uploader
//Step 3: The files will be uploaded to the following folder directly.
//Step 4: Render Uploader