Creation in php video and pictures with cute editor for php.

  •  01-30-2010, 3:08 PM

    Creation in php video and pictures with cute editor for php.

    After the instalation of cute editor for php, I need to integrate, videos and pictures, but the php file contains errors, so I want to ask your assistance to move forward in my project and thank you.
    This is  the file php of creation  video:
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
        require("Include_Security.php") ;
        header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + (-1*60)) . " GMT");
        if (substr($current_Path,strlen($current_Path)-(1))!="/")
        if (substr($MediaGalleryPath,strlen($MediaGalleryPath)-(1))!="/")
            if (substr($AbsoluteMediaGalleryPath,strlen($AbsoluteMediaGalleryPath)-(1))!="/")
        if(str_contains($current_Path, $MediaGalleryPath))
                print "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden";
        if ($folpath!="" && $goingup!="y" && substr($folpath,strlen($folpath)-(1))!="/")
        if ($DemoMode=="true")
            if($action=="deletefile" || $action=="renamefile" ||$action=="renamefolder" ||$action=="deletefolder" ||$action=="createfolder")
                print "<script language=\"javascript\">alert('This function is disabled in the demo mode.');</script>";
                print "<script language=\"javascript\">parent.ResetFields();</script>";
            switch ($action)
                case "deletefile":
                    print "<script language=\"javascript\">parent.ResetFields();</script>";
                case "renamefile":
                    print "<script language=\"javascript\">parent.row_click('".$_GET["newname"]."');</script>";
                case "renamefolder":
                case "deletefolder":
                case "createfolder":
                    if (file_exists($folderPath))
                        $exMessage="Unable to create the folder \"".$folderPath."\", there exists a file or a folder with the same name...";
                        $result= mkdir($folderPath,0777);
                        if(!$result) {
                               $exMessage="Unable to create the folder \"".$folderPath."\", make sure the name you entered is a valid folder name";
                            $exMessage="Created the folder \"".$folderPath."\"...";
        function Showbrowse_Img($spec)
        // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here
        if(substr($directory,-1) == '/')
          $directory = substr($directory,0,-1);

          $s=$s."<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" valign=\"top\" id=\"FoldersAndFiles\" style=\"width:100%\" class=sortable>";
          $s=$s."<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\" bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\">";
          $s=$s."<td width=16 nowrap><img src=\"../Images/refresh.gif\" title=\"refresh\" onclick=\"parent.Refresh('".$folpath."');\" onMouseOver=\"parent.CuteEditor_ColorPicker_ButtonOver(this);\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>";
          $s=$s."<td width=\"60%\" Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Name</b></td>";
          $s=$s."<td nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Size</b></td>";
          if ($AllowDelete=="true")
          $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";

          if ($AllowRename=="true")
              $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";

          $s=$s."<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\" onclick=\"Editor_upfolder();\">";
          $s=$s."<td><img src=\"../Images/parentfolder.gif\" title=\"Go up one level\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>";
          if ($AllowDelete=="true")
              $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";
          if ($AllowRename=="true")
              $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";
        $dirlist = array();
        $filelist = array();
        // we open the directory
        if($f = opendir($directory))
              while (($file = readdir($f)) !== false)
             if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
                $path = $directory.'/'.$file;        
                   $filelist[] = $file;  
                   $dirlist[] = $file;            
                while (list ($key, $file) = each ($dirlist))
            //add the html for the folders
                $s=$s."<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\">";
                $s=$s."<td ".$str_openfolderEvent."><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/closedfolder.gif\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td valign=\"top\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ".$str_openfolderEvent.">"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer;\" ".$str_openfolderEvent."></td>";          
              if ($AllowDelete=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/delete.gif\" onclick=\"deletefolder('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."')\" title=\"Delete\"></td>";

              if ($AllowRename=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/edit.gif\" title=\"Rename\" onclick=\"renamefolder('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."')\"></td>";
                while (list ($key, $file) = each ($filelist))
                //add the html for the folders
                $s=$s."<tr onclick=\"parent.row_click('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."'); \" onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\">";
                $s=$s."<td><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/".GetExtension($file).".gif\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td valign=\"top\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" >"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer;\">".FormatSize(filesize($directory.'/'.$file))."</td>";          
                  if ($AllowDelete=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/delete.gif\" onclick=\"deletefile('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."')\" title=\"Delete\"></td>";

                if ($AllowRename=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/edit.gif\" title=\"Rename\" onclick=\"renamefile('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."','$file')\"></td>";
      return $s;

    function GetExtension($str_FileName)
        return strtolower(strtolower(substr(strrchr($str_FileName, '.'), 1)));
    function ValidImage($str_FileName)
        $valid = false;
        $ext = ".".GetExtension($str_FileName);
        foreach ($filter_Array as $v) {
                $valid = true;
        return $valid;

    function FormatSize ($size) {

        // Setup some common file size measurements.
        $kb = 1024;         // Kilobyte
        $mb = 1024 * $kb;   // Megabyte
        $gb = 1024 * $mb;   // Gigabyte
        $tb = 1024 * $gb;   // Terabyte
        /* If it's less than a kb we just return the size, otherwise we keep going until
        the size is in the appropriate measurement range. */
        if($size < $kb) {
            return $size." B";
        else if($size < $mb) {
            return round($size/$kb,2)." KB";
        else if($size < $gb) {
            return round($size/$mb,2)." MB";
        else if($size < $tb) {
            return round($size/$gb,2)." GB";
        else {
            return round($size/$tb,2)." TB";
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/Dialog/DialogHead.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
          var folderpath = "browse_Media.php?<?php echo $setting ; ?>&MP=<?php echo $current_Path ; ?>";

          function Editor_upfolder(path) {
          var arrloc = curloc.split("/");
          str = "";
          for (i=0;i<arrloc.length-2;i++) {
                    str += arrloc[i] + "/";
                str="browse_Media.php?<?php echo $setting ; ?>&MP=<?php echo $current_Path ; ?>&loc=" + str + "&u=y";
                location.href = str;
                parent.SetUpload_FolderPath('<?php echo $current_Path ; ?>');
            function deletefile(path)
                if (confirm("Delete File " + path + "?")) {
                    self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=deletefile&filename=" + path + "");
            function deletefolder(path)
                if (confirm("Delete Folder " + path + "?")) {
                    self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=deletefolder&foldername=" + path + "");
            function renamefile(path,oldname)
                var i=oldname.lastIndexOf('.');
                var ext=oldname.substr(i);
                var t= oldname.substr(0,oldname.lastIndexOf('.'));
                    parent.IEprompt(promptCallback,'Type the new name for this file:', "");        
                    function promptCallback(newName)
                       if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                       newName=newName + ext;            
                            self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefile&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
                    var newName=prompt("Type the new name for this file:",t);
                    if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                        newName=newName + ext;
                        self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefile&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
            function renamefolder(path)
                    parent.IEprompt(promptCallback,'Type the new name for this folder:', "");        
                    function promptCallback(newName)
                        if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                            self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefolder&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
                    var newName = prompt('Type the new name for this folder:','');
                    if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                        self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefolder&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
            function row_over(row)
            function row_out(row)
        <script type="text/javascript">var curloc = "<?php echo $folpath; ?>";</script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="filebrowserpage.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="sorttable.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css">
                margin:0 0 0 0;
                padding:0 0 0 0;
                background-color: white;
                color: windowtext; font:normal 11px Tahoma;
            .filelistHeadCol A
                font:normal 11px Tahoma;
                cursor: default;
                color: windowtext;

            a.filelistHeadCol:visited, a.filelistHeadCol:link /* Font used for links in the navigation menu */
                font:normal 11px Tahoma;
                color: #ffffff;
                text-decoration: none;

            a.filelistHeadCol:Hover /* Font used for hovering over a link in the navigation menu */
                color: #FF3300;
                font:normal 11px Tahoma;
          echo Showbrowse_Img($current_Path.$folpath);
    This is the image file creation:
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
        require("Include_Security.php") ;
        header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + (-1*60)) . " GMT");
        if (substr($current_Path,strlen($current_Path)-(1))!="/")
        if (substr($ImageGalleryPath,strlen($ImageGalleryPath)-(1))!="/")
            if (substr($AbsoluteImageGalleryPath,strlen($AbsoluteImageGalleryPath)-(1))!="/")
        if(str_contains($current_Path, $ImageGalleryPath))
                print "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden";
        if ($folpath!="" && $goingup!="y" && substr($folpath,strlen($folpath)-(1))!="/")
        if ($DemoMode=="true")
            if($action=="deletefile" || $action=="renamefile" ||$action=="renamefolder" ||$action=="deletefolder" ||$action=="createfolder")
                print "<script language=\"javascript\">alert('This function is disabled in the demo mode.');</script>";
                print "<script language=\"javascript\">parent.ResetFields();</script>";
            switch ($action)
                case "deletefile":
                    print "<script language=\"javascript\">parent.ResetFields();</script>";
                case "renamefile":
                    print "<script language=\"javascript\">parent.row_click('".$_GET["newname"]."');</script>";
                case "renamefolder":
                case "deletefolder":
                case "createfolder":
                    if (file_exists($folderPath))
                        $exMessage="Unable to create the folder \"".$folderPath."\", there exists a file or a folder with the same name...";
                        $result= mkdir($folderPath,0777);
                        if(!$result) {
                               $exMessage="Unable to create the folder \"".$folderPath."\", make sure the name you entered is a valid folder name";
                            $exMessage="Created the folder \"".$folderPath."\"...";
        function Showbrowse_Img($spec)
          // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here
            if(substr($directory,-1) == '/')
            $directory = substr($directory,0,-1);

          $s=$s."<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" valign=\"top\" id=\"FoldersAndFiles\" style=\"width:100%\" class=sortable>";
          $s=$s."<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\" bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\">";
          $s=$s."<td width=16 nowrap><img src=\"../Images/refresh.gif\" title=\"refresh\" onclick=\"parent.Refresh('".$folpath."');\" onMouseOver=\"parent.CuteEditor_ColorPicker_ButtonOver(this);\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>";
          $s=$s."<td width=\"60%\" Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Name</b></td>";
          $s=$s."<td nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Size</b></td>";
          if ($AllowDelete=="true")
          $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";

          if ($AllowRename=="true")
              $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";

          $s=$s."<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\" onclick=\"Editor_upfolder();\">";
          $s=$s."<td><img src=\"../Images/parentfolder.gif\" title=\"Go up one level\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>";
          if ($AllowDelete=="true")
              $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";
          if ($AllowRename=="true")
              $s=$s."<td nowrap></td>";
        $dirlist = array();
        $filelist = array();
        // we open the directory
        if($f = opendir($directory))
              while (($file = readdir($f)) !== false)
             if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
                $path = $directory.'/'.$file;        
                   $filelist[] = $file;  
                   $dirlist[] = $file;            
                while (list ($key, $file) = each ($dirlist))
            //add the html for the folders
                $s=$s."<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\">";
                $s=$s."<td ".$str_openfolderEvent."><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/closedfolder.gif\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td valign=\"top\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ".$str_openfolderEvent.">"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer;\" ".$str_openfolderEvent."></td>";          
              if ($AllowDelete=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/delete.gif\" onclick=\"deletefolder('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."')\" title=\"Delete\"></td>";

              if ($AllowRename=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/edit.gif\" title=\"Rename\" onclick=\"renamefolder('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."')\"></td>";
                while (list ($key, $file) = each ($filelist))
                //add the html for the folders
                $s=$s."<tr onclick=\"parent.row_click('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."'); \" onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\">";
                $s=$s."<td><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/".GetExtension($file).".gif\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td valign=\"top\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" >"."\r\n";
                $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer;\">".FormatSize(filesize($directory.'/'.$file))."</td>";          
                  if ($AllowDelete=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/delete.gif\" onclick=\"deletefile('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."')\" title=\"Delete\"></td>";

                if ($AllowRename=="true")
                  $s=$s."<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/edit.gif\" title=\"Rename\" onclick=\"renamefile('".$current_Path.$folpath.$file."','$file')\"></td>";
      return $s;

    function GetExtension($str_FileName)
        return strtolower(substr(strrchr($str_FileName, '.'), 1));
    function ValidImage($str_FileName)
        $valid = false;
        $ext = ".".GetExtension($str_FileName);
        foreach ($filter_Array as $v) {
                $valid = true;
        return $valid;

    function FormatSize ($size) {

        // Setup some common file size measurements.
        $kb = 1024;         // Kilobyte
        $mb = 1024 * $kb;   // Megabyte
        $gb = 1024 * $mb;   // Gigabyte
        $tb = 1024 * $gb;   // Terabyte
        /* If it's less than a kb we just return the size, otherwise we keep going until
        the size is in the appropriate measurement range. */
        if($size < $kb) {
            return $size." B";
        else if($size < $mb) {
            return round($size/$kb,2)." KB";
        else if($size < $gb) {
            return round($size/$mb,2)." MB";
        else if($size < $tb) {
            return round($size/$gb,2)." GB";
        else {
            return round($size/$tb,2)." TB";
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/Dialog/DialogHead.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
          var folderpath = "browse_Img.php?<?php echo $setting ; ?>&GP=<?php echo $current_Path ; ?>";

          function Editor_upfolder(path) {
          var arrloc = curloc.split("/");
          str = "";
          for (i=0;i<arrloc.length-2;i++) {
                    str += arrloc[i] + "/";
                str="browse_Img.php?<?php echo $setting ; ?>&GP=<?php echo $current_Path ; ?>&loc=" + str + "&u=y";
                location.href = str;
                parent.SetUpload_FolderPath('<?php echo $current_Path ; ?>');
            function deletefile(path)
                if (confirm("Delete File " + path + "?")) {
                    self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=deletefile&filename=" + path + "");
            function deletefolder(path)
                if (confirm("Delete Folder " + path + "?")) {
                    self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=deletefolder&foldername=" + path + "");
            function renamefile(path,oldname)
                var i=oldname.lastIndexOf('.');
                var ext=oldname.substr(i);
                var t= oldname.substr(0,oldname.lastIndexOf('.'));
                    parent.IEprompt(promptCallback,'Type the new name for this file:', "");        
                    function promptCallback(newName)
                       if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                       newName=newName + ext;            
                            self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefile&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
                    var newName=prompt("Type the new name for this file:",t);
                    if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                        newName=newName + ext;
                        self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefile&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
            function renamefolder(path)
                    parent.IEprompt(promptCallback,'Type the new name for this folder:', "");        
                    function promptCallback(newName)
                        if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                            self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefolder&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
                    var newName = prompt('Type the new name for this folder:','');
                    if ((newName) && (newName!=""))
                        self.location.replace(folderpath+"&loc=<?php echo $folpath; ?>&action=renamefolder&filename=" + path + "&newname=<?php echo $current_Path; ?><?php echo $folpath; ?>" + newName + "");
            function row_over(row)
            function row_out(row)
        <script type="text/javascript">var curloc = "<?php echo $folpath; ?>";</script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="filebrowserpage.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="sorttable.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css">
                margin:0 0 0 0;
                padding:0 0 0 0;
                background-color: white;
                color: windowtext; font:normal 11px Tahoma;
            .filelistHeadCol A
                font:normal 11px Tahoma;
                cursor: default;
                color: windowtext;

            a.filelistHeadCol:visited, a.filelistHeadCol:link /* Font used for links in the navigation menu */
                font:normal 11px Tahoma;
                color: #ffffff;
                text-decoration: none;

            a.filelistHeadCol:Hover /* Font used for hovering over a link in the navigation menu */
                color: #FF3300;
                font:normal 11px Tahoma;
          echo Showbrowse_Img($current_Path.$folpath);
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