<!-- Inject Script Filtered --> ?

  •  03-18-2004, 6:08 PM

    <!-- Inject Script Filtered --> ?



    I'm making progress. Here is my latest problem. I've got a small script in one of my pages. Nuthin too fancy just an image preloader for some roll overs.


    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">

    var cache1 = new Image();

    cache1.src = "images/toolkit/one-up.gif";

    var cache2 = new Image();

    cache2.src = "images/toolkit/two-up.gif";

    var cache3 = new Image();

    cache3.src = "images/toolkit/three-up.gif";

    var cache4 = new Image();

    cache4.src = "images/toolkit/four-up.gif";

    var cache5 = new Image();




    The problem is that when I load the Editor like this


    Editor.Text = string;


    It strips out the script and replaces it with


    <!-- Inject Script Filtered -->


    I noticed that there is a StripScriptTagsFromInput Method in the Editor. Anyway to turn this off?







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