Re: Apparent bug in Link mailto URL encoding

  •  01-18-2010, 2:53 PM

    Re: Apparent bug in Link mailto URL encoding

    Hi Eric,
    I can repro it at the location you provided.  Here are the steps to repro.
    1) Select any text you want in the demo + then use the link toolbar button to hyperlink the text. 
    2) For the link, use this: Order&Body=PLACEHOLDER%0APoster 003%0ABe Conscious of Your Work Environment
    3) Save the link and note the ampersand between Order and Body.
    4) Click the save button on the toolbar.
    5) Open the properties for the link created in #2.  Note that the & between Order and Body has now become &
    6) Close the link properties dialog and click the Save toolbar button again.
    7) Repeat 5 + 6, but note that the previous & has now become &
    8) If you continue to click the save button and check the link properties, you'll see that the ampersand replacement will continue on N times where N is the number of times you click the save button.  In the above scenario, the & should only have been replaced once.
    This is causing a problem in one of our projects as the substitution behavior is causing the Body portion of the mailto link to be ignored by the mail client.  If W3C has a recommendation on mailto links, I'd like us to be able to follow that recommendation, but still have the link work.  I think that if you can fix the substitution behavior, we'll get the best of both worlds.

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