Manual Upload

  •  01-12-2010, 2:20 PM

    Manual Upload

    Dear Support
    I've using the Ajax Uploader tool so far and it's being great.
    I've found an issue and need to figure it out urgently.
    I have a web user control that is being generated dinamically on my web page.
    The Onclik attribute is being added on the Page_PreRender method as follows:
    SubmitButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return submitbutton_click('" + SubmitButton.ClientID + "','" + Uploader.ClientID + "')");
    What I need to perform is that I press the Submit button and the selection of a file not to be mandatory.
    The problem is that the Uploader_FileUploaded(object sender, UploaderEventArgs args) method is not being fired when I don't browse a file.
    Is there a way to fire the Uploader_FileUploaded throug the C# codebehind or triggered the upload (even if there's no a file selected) though the javascript code?
    Thanks in advance
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