Re: Error on Image "Gallery" preview

  •  12-28-2009, 1:25 AM

    Re: Error on Image "Gallery" preview

    Sorry, I think we have some misunderstanding on this question.
    The case shown in the Image Gallery which are showing the small thumbnails (80 X 80 by default).
    When the current image will be shown when mouseover, the original image will be shown up.
    With the use of the firebug, we found that the 80X80 image is like the following
    But we have found the case that the thumbnail will not be updated on updating the original image.
    1. Upload a image (e.g. abc.jpg) through Image Gallery / Insert Image
    2. Go to Image Gallery, the image is displayed correctly.
    3. Go to Insert Image again, delete the (abc.jpg) and upload another image file with same name (abc.jpg)  OR doing it with another method
    4. when Go back to Image Gallery, the thumbnail(80X80 one) is still showing the old image, when mouseover, it will display the original image (here are another problem, if the dimension of old image and new image are different, it will be distorted. ). Just like the image pasted, there are 2 images on before and after moving the mouse over the thumbnail.
    It is not related with browser cache, even we copy and paste the link to another browser or other machine, the image always display the old one.
    Can you suggest any method which can update the image automatically or clear those "Cache" by CuteEditor manually?
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