EmbedMessenger Example?

  •  12-21-2009, 3:55 AM

    EmbedMessenger Example?

    Using the Developers Guide I found the Topic " Run Web Messenger in embed mode" under the Customization Chapter.
    Using the example provided, I only get a page with the advertisement image on it. I've authenticated the user from the Login.aspx page in my app. Here is the Mark up of the Default.aspx page for my app which is redirected to after a successful login. and a snapshot of the output. 
    Any help or direction would be helpful. It appears that the Syntax Highlighter Code Widget in this editor changes the code pasted into it.
    1.     <form id="form1" runat="server">  
    2.     <asp:scriptmanager id="scriptManager1" runat="server">  
    3.     <div>  
    4.         <img id="imgBackPlate" src="images/RMSBackplate.JPG" alt="Simulation">  
    5.  <asp:updatepanel id="mainUpdatePanel" runat="server">  
    6.             <contenttemplate>  
    7.                 <div id="divAppsBar">  
    8.                     <div id="divAppControlPanel" style="padding-left: 3px; padding-top: 3px;" align="right">  
    9.                         <asp:imagebutton id="membersList" runat="server" imageurl="~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Images/icon_invite.gif" onclick="membersList_Click">                          
    10.                     </asp:imagebutton></div>  
    11.                 </div>  
    12.                 <!-- Chat Members Dialog Pane //-->  
    13.                 <asp:panel id="divChatMembersPanel" runat="server" cssclass="ChatMembersPanel">   
    14.                     <cutechat:embedmessenger id="EmbedMessenger1" runat="server">  
    15.                </cutechat:embedmessenger></asp:panel>  
    16.            </contenttemplate>  
    17.             <triggers>  
    18.                 <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="membersList" eventname="Click">  
    19.             </asp:asyncpostbacktrigger></triggers>  
    20.         </asp:updatepanel>  
    21.     </div>  
    22.     </asp:scriptmanager></form>  
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