We use this editor for our CMS system.
When a user has the google toolbar installed, and translation is 'on' the following problem happens.
The user types his tekst the normal way in the editor,
Then when you save it, your tekst is destroyed and looks simular to this: (this also happens on the demo on the site!)
# 1H3 align = "c # 9NT # 9r" # 2 # 3NB # 7p; 1/h3 # # 2 # 1H3 align = "c # 9NT # 9r" # 2WINT ARB # # aURT AKTI # a: # 1/h3 # 2 # 1H3 align = "c # 9NT # 9r" # 2prijz # 9.N: # 1/h3 # 2 1UL # # 7tyl # 9 = "c # 5l # 5r: 9d r # # 2 # 1li # 2 # 1H3 align = "c # 9NT # 9r" # 2Fi # 9t # 7 m # 9t dicht # 9 k # 9ttingka # 7t: # 3 # 9UR # 5; 49,00 # 1/h3 # 2 # 1/li # 2 #
Obviously, the solution for this problem to turn the toolbar off.. but we have like 600 custumors that use our CMS so we are looking for a better solution then this.
Any Tips?
Please set the following property to false then try again.
Editor.EncodeHiddenValue Property
By default Cute Editor will encode the value in the Hidden field automatically. You can turn it off by setting this property to "false".
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