Re: Preview tab and javascript's function

  •  04-15-2005, 2:12 PM

    Re: Preview tab and javascript's function

    Hi Adam,
    Thanks for the quick response.  I actually stumbled across the file template.aspx when I was trying to locate where the call was being made to open the new browser.  I originally tried target="_self" and received an error, which is not what I was expecting.  I ended up using target="_top" which achieved what I wanted.
    Of course now I place myself in the predicament where an author would lose all of his text if he was in the Preview tab and clicked on a link that actually navigated to a new page.  I guess at this point it's one or the other.
    Any possibility that you guys could implement something that would allow us to select the target based on the protocol (i.e. http, https, ftp, etc.) specified?
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