Attached TIF File not stored correct - Page 2 missing

  •  12-14-2009, 2:18 AM

    Attached TIF File not stored correct - Page 2 missing

    Hi all,
    I have a TIFF File (file.tif) which has 2 pages. Its size is 43 KB. I upload it to CuteEditor and save it there. When I open the file then and store it on my local drive, I see it is modified during the upload.....? Its size increased from 43 KB to 396 KB, and only the first page is displayed! I don't care about the change of the file size, but of course it's important to keep all the pages within this TIF-File. The only workaround currently is to zip the file before upload (and disallow the upload of tif-files). We are using Cute Editor 6.4.
    Could you please check how this could be fixed? Thanks!

    .net Framework 4.0 / / VB / CuteEditor 6.7 / SQL 2005
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