Problem with setting FilesGallaryPath in VB

  •  04-15-2005, 10:28 AM

    Problem with setting FilesGallaryPath in VB

    I am trying to set to define the "FilesGallaryPath" in my VB-Script. But it has no effect?

    'Pfade für ImageGallery und Filegallery setzen

    Editor.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath") = Webpfad & ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ImageUploadOrdner")

    Editor.Setting("security:FilesGallaryPath") = Webpfad & ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DateiUploadOrdner")
    ImageGallerpath works fine - but files does not. If I set the path in my config-file then it works- but I need to define the path in my VB-Code.
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