Re: Problems with Cute Editor for PHP in Google Chrome

  •  11-30-2009, 11:55 AM

    Re: Problems with Cute Editor for PHP in Google Chrome

    Thanks for your answer Eric.
    I have tested the online demo and i have downloaded the last version.
    That one fix some problems that I had.
    Almost tools works fine, the dropdown list and the context menu shows fine, but I can't select or resize images, flashs, tables, to do that I have to select the HTML option and change the width and the height directly, I not all users can do this.
    If I change the autoConfigure to Simple, the toolbar change the height but the container of the toolbars don't
    This is how it look like with Chrome, with the space in the container of the toolbar
    This is how it look like whith firefox, looks fine and I can select and resize images an tables 
    Do you know the reason? why this happen?? 
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