Re: DNN Provider 4.0 - Customize Toolbar by Role?

  •  04-14-2005, 7:13 PM

    Re: DNN Provider 4.0 - Customize Toolbar by Role?

    Hi adam - thanks for your reply.
    I understand that you can manually set the default folder for uploads etc, against a role, but this doesn't take into DNN File permissions, unless I'm mistaken.
    For example, we have 30 odd roles in our environment -> we have applied DNN file permissions to many folders - some overlap, and some roles have access to different branches of the file tree.
    As I understand it, with the editor, we can set the default root directory for a role, however the user may not have DNN access permissions to a sub-folder of that location, yet they will still be able to upload to it..
    So while we're mapping roles to folder, we're still not actually taking into account the DNN file permissions...  I think the only way to do this would be to perform a DNN call to retrieve file permissions while navigating through the folderlist in your scripts - such as in the image gallery..
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