CopyTo method fails with large files

  •  11-24-2009, 7:32 PM

    CopyTo method fails with large files

    I'm uploading a 450MB file. The file uploads well into de  temp directory. But when calling this method 
    "~/Downloads/" args.FileName);
    with in Uploader_FileUploaded event I receive de folowing error message

    "Unable to find library '/AjaxCallObject.js'. Copy the file to the required location, or change the 'scriptPath' setting at magicAjax section web.config"
    I only have this error when upload large files, the same code works very well with small files, ex: 4MB
    - The application is running into a shared hosting. May it has to do with RAM memory limit?
    - Is it possible to prevent the deletion of the files in Temp folder after they are uploaded?
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