Re: Uploader with ModalPopup

  •  11-24-2009, 9:17 AM

    Re: Uploader with ModalPopup

    Rushi ,
    After the files be uploaded , the uploader will fire a javascript OnPostback event , and then post back the form
    So the page will refresh , or the content will refresh if you using MS-Ajax .
    If you do not want the modal popup UI be refreshed , you need handle the OnPostback event.
    Please check this for more about the OnPostback event
    if the OnPostback handler return false , the uploader will stop posting the form.
    But you also can't let server side FileUploaded event be executed.
    In OnPostback event , you can also get the uploader's guid list and handle it.
    Please check the MVC samples code .
    Another easy way : maybe you can call the ModalPopup1.Show(); in the FileUploaded event to keep the layer open.
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