File Upload is Interrupted by Server Randomly

  •  11-09-2009, 6:43 PM

    File Upload is Interrupted by Server Randomly

          First of all, I have been using the Ajax Uploader for a few months now with no issues. However recently, I have been getting the error "Flash: The Upload Task has been Interrupted! Error #2038".
    I am currently using IIS v6. I've searched the forums for an answer, and the closest I have come to was this thread Link. I have checked all of the web.config files for my web application, and they are set up to support the large files, and as such the large request timeouts.
    I'm utilizing the UploadAttachments so that I can upload multiple attachments at once. Also, the uploader routinely uploads files sizes ranging from 800MB to just under 2GB.
    I am basically asking whether there is a basic reason for this, or if it is a more deep-set problem in either my code, or the server itself. Personally, I am perplexed as to why it stopped working just recently, and had no issues before(even uploading the exact same files as previously uploaded)
    Thank You in Advance. :)
    W. Andrew Shogren
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