Re: FileValidated vs. FileUploaded events

  •  11-08-2009, 7:45 PM

    Re: FileValidated vs. FileUploaded events

    Rob Nagel ,
    the order of the events are :
    client side select multiple files
    client show file1 uploading
    server fire FileValidating event
    client show file1 finish
    client show file2 uploading
    server fire FileValidating event
    client show file2 finish
    client side fire Postback event
    server side fire FileUploaded event for each file
    server side fire UploadCompleted event
    If you move/delete the temp file in FileValiding event, the FileUploaded of that file will not fire.
    So you can resize the image , but please keep the filepath , and then move it in FileUploaded event.
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