FileValidated vs. FileUploaded events

  •  11-05-2009, 10:16 PM

    FileValidated vs. FileUploaded events

    Hi there,
    I am uploading and resizing images using Ajax Uploader, based on the sample "Framework 2.0-VB"
    In order to resize the images between image uploads, as opposed to after all images have been uploaded, I moved the resizing code from the FileUploaded event to the  FileValidated event. I now find that
    1) the FileUploaded event is not hit, and 2) the ListBox displays no items after the page has run, even though the code in InsertMsg sub is executed. If I run the resizing code in the FileUploaded  events, the listbox displays the items.
    How can I get the listbox to display items?
    Thanks in advance,
    Rob Nagel
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