Date format problems

  •  04-13-2005, 6:43 AM

    Date format problems


    I have been testing an integration of CuteChat v2 recently (which on the whole has gone well) and come up againast a Date format issue. After reading the archives it is stated that this issue has been resolved but even using the latest files I still encounter issues.

    When connecting to the chatroom I get the following exception:

    server side System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
    The statement has been terminated.
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.Providers.SqlClient.SqlClientQueryProvider.AdvancedExecute(String commandText, Object[] args)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.QueryService.ExecuteDataReader(String commandText, Object[] parameters)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.QueryService.ExecuteNonQuery(String commandText, Object[] parameters)
    at QueryService_InsertDataItem_437353a5.ExecuteCodeInternal()
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.CodeQueryService.ExecuteCode(QueryCommand cmd)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.QueryCommand.a(QueryMethodImplementCode A_0)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.QueryCommand.b()
    at CuteSoft.Chat.CDQ.QueryCommand.Execute()
    at ICuteChatDataAccessImplementation.CuteSoft.Chat.ICuteChatDataAccess.InsertDataItem(IDataItem item)
    at aj.b(Chat_Message A_0)
    at aj.a(Guid A_0, UserIdentity A_1, Guid A_2)
    at e.g()
    at e.DoSync(ChannelRequest syncRequest)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.ChatApi.CHSync(ChannelRequest request)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.DynamicAssembly.ServiceLayerChatApiDecoratorProxy.CHSync_InterceptedCall(ChannelRequest request)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.DynamicAssembly.WebLayerChatApiDecoratorProxy.CHSync_InterceptedCall(ChannelRequest request)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.ChatRaneService.CHSync(ChannelRequest request)

    This occurs when the Database has British English Date culture set - if I set the culture to us-english then the problem disappears. Unfortunately I cannot do this on the live server so I am wondering if this can be fixed - or perhaps I have downloaded the wrong files... I am using the  latest standalone version at the moment as I have integrated the login entry system  with our own setup, which coincidentally worked well.

    Kind regards

    Richard Stockley

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