Re: How to show each category seperately

  •  10-20-2009, 10:15 PM

    Re: How to show each category seperately

    I am sorry the property name is GalleryFolder .
    Gallery3 design 3 level properties to assort the photos .
    GalleryFolder + AlbumID is server behavior , be controlled by the programmer.
    And Category is controlled by the user.
    if developer set :
    GalleryBrowser1.GalleryFolder ="~/photos";
    the path will be :
    If the user create a category (by clicking UI button) ,
    the path will be
    GalleryFolder , AlbumID , Category is design for Gallery ,
    And the path is generated by the default storage implementation (DotNetGallery.GalleryDataProvider class)
    If you want to assort the photos on server side , please use GalleryFolder and AlbumID .
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