select-multiple-files-upload.aspx is also included in the download package. They are same.
From, I clicked the big yellow button "Download now". In the zip file downloaded, there is a file selecting-multiple-files.aspx, but there is no file select-multiple-files-upload.aspx.
1. Are you using SSL?
No, I'm not. But we may have customers wanting to use it. Would it be a problem?
Adam: 2. Can you try the following code:
<%@ Page language="c#"%>
<%@ Register Namespace="CuteWebUI" Assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" TagPrefix="CuteWebUI" %>
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<CuteWebUI:Uploader runat="server" MultipleFilesUpload="true" ID="Uploader1">
I've just tried it, and I still get the same error: the button "Upload a file" is disabled.