EditorOnPaste questions

  •  09-04-2009, 7:13 AM

    EditorOnPaste questions

    Can more then 1 of the EditorOnPaste options be used at the same time?
    IE. I want PasteCleanHTML (When you pasting the html code into the editor, the empty tags, redundant nested tags and messy or unreadable HTML code are automatically cleaned up.) and PasteWord (When you pasting the content from Word into the editor, the non-required code that usually comes with pasting from Word are automatically cleaned up.) together.
    Why isn't  PasteText working properly?
    When I paste in text from a website and I enable PasteText it will all be on one line (while the option says it should still maintain paragraph marks). When I put it on PasteCleanHTML of PasteWord it does recognize the <p> elements ...
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