SetHeight() and SetWidth() don't work. (my bad, please ignore)

  •  09-03-2009, 11:53 AM

    SetHeight() and SetWidth() don't work. (my bad, please ignore)

    <CE:Editor ID="CuteEdit" AutoConfigure='Simple' Visible="true" AllowPasteHtml="true" EditorWysiwygModeCss="/content/css/styles.css" ShowCodeViewToolBar="true" ResizeMode="None" runat="server" />

    $KB.CuteEdit = $g('<% = CuteEdit.ClientID%>');
    function Resize()
    The function fails to do anything to modify the width or the height. It runs ( I have trapped it in the debugger) and $KB.CuteEdit is the CuteEdit object. It doesn't cause a debug error, it just doesn't do anything.
    We are using ExtJS on our pages if that has anything to do with this.

    I have determined that the EditorWindow.height / width are always the same. So the problem is external to Cute Edit.



    Geoff Swenson
    Seattle Washington
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