Insert button is clickable even when hidden, in some circumstances

  •  09-01-2009, 11:00 AM

    Insert button is clickable even when hidden, in some circumstances


     We have a problem where the button used as the insert button becomes clickable even though it should be hidden.

     Using the same server, and navigating to the same page, the uploader control appears to render differently on two very similar clients. Each machine has IE7, silverlight, and flash 10 installed. The version of IE7 on the machine that shows the problem is slightly newer than the one that works. (other machines with other configurations also show the problem, but I chose these because they are so similar).

     We are using the uploader control inside a Dialog control (from ComponentArt). The html for the dialog and its controls are present on the page, but not visible. Until the dialog is shown, the insert button is not visible, but on some machines, you can click in the buttons absolute position, and the file browse window will open.

     On the machine where the problem occurs, the DIV that contains the upload control renders with a height and width of 30px and 98px.

     On the machine that works, the same DIV renders with a height and width of 1px each.

     There are also differences in z-order, and the non-working case has extra properties set, e.g. opacity related fields.

     We have screenshots of the elements in the IE developer toolbar, but couldn't figure out how to attach them.

     We would like to know what would cause the control to render differently on such similar machines, and also how to get it to do the right thing in all cases.

     Any help would be appreciated.

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