Re: Chat administration problems

  •  08-26-2009, 1:40 AM

    Re: Chat administration problems

    Hi Terry,
    We don't allow anonymous users on our site.  This issue comes in particular in 2 scenarios:
    1) Signed user is admin of site & Chat( isAdmin = true) , but he is not in the moderator list. At this point the user gets the Admin panel on the chat room, but whenever he tries to do any admin operation like Kick, Block or assign role to a "normal" user we get this message of "sepcified user is offline......".
    2) In second case, when the admin is also in the moderator list for a Chat Room. When the admin signs in and tries to kick another moderator in the Room, he is shown similar message. I would say he should be shown and alert saying that admin cannot kick a moderator of a room( assuming that is the case).
     Well my major concern is for first scenario. Can you guide me how to address this issue?
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