Re: Integration with NetSpell 2.0

  •  11-05-2003, 9:12 AM

    Re: Integration with NetSpell 2.0

    More code from the ASPX file (I pasted it into NotePad first to remove the auto-parsing of OLE or whatever does that)  The first part is CuteEditor, the second is a textbox.  the second part works, the first does not:

      <script language="JavaScript" src="/NetSpell/spell.js">

       <CE:Editor id="CuteEditor1" AutoConfigure="EnableAll" runat="server"  MaxImageSize="4000" Width="500"></CE:Editor><BR>
       <h1>NetSpell Test</h1>
       <TEXTAREA id="strText" name="strText" rows="13" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="40">Becuase people are realy bad spelers, ths produc was desinged to prevent speling erors in a text area like ths.</TEXTAREA><BR>
       <INPUT id="Button1" onclick="checkSpelling('strText','/NetSpell/spell.aspx')" type="button" value="Check Spelling" name="Button1">

    Here is the back-end code:


     Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
      '//Create NetSpell Image Button   
      Dim SpellingImage As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image()
      SpellingImage.ToolTip = "Check Spelling"
      SpellingImage.ImageUrl = "/NetSpell/Spelling.gif"
      SpellingImage.CssClass = "ready"
      'SpellingImage.Attributes.Add("onclick", "checkSpelling('strText','/NetSpell/spell.aspx')")
      SpellingImage.Attributes.Add("onclick", "checkSpelling('CuteEditor1','/NetSpell/spell.aspx')")
      SpellingImage.Attributes.Add("type", "btn")
      CuteEditor1.Text = "Becuase people are realy bad spelers, ths produc was desinged to prevent speling erors in a text area like ths."

      ' new properties
      CuteEditor1.ShowLogo = False
      'CuteEditor1.SetFocus = False
      'CuteEditor1.UseBr = True
     End Sub

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