Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden

  •  08-14-2009, 4:32 PM

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden

    I ran into the same issue.  For me it was a matter of I was changing the session name using the session_name PHP function.  What I did to fix it was to include the same session_name function call in include_CuteEditor.php and Include_Secutiry.php file just before the session_start function.  What I belive is happening is when you build the CuteEditor via the class call it is registering a session variable in the name space I specified (using the session_name function) but when the CuteEditor PHP code is ran it is not able to find the session variable it registered because it is looking in the wrong name space.  By adding session_name to those two files it corrects this.
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