Re: CuteEditor.LoadHandler (Load.ashx) - rewriting url

  •  08-13-2009, 7:58 PM

    Re: CuteEditor.LoadHandler (Load.ashx) - rewriting url

    Hi Terry,
    No, sometimes it happens for different files, depending on the configuration we have. Let say i have enabled Downloadable Files, when it retrieves necessary files for that control sometimes it fails to retain the original URL with port. But its not happening for the domain with default port 80 (e.g.
    We're currenlty in staging server which happens to have a dedicated port 8008 and its happening only there. We only suspect that this URL rewriting might be the cause of an issue we have everytime we navigate to pages with cuteeditor, the users are being kicked out. The user session might be expired. 
    Btw, for the Template.aspx it doesn't have the <link>.
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