Re: HTTPS - How to get rid of warning/message caused by Cute Editor

  •  08-12-2009, 10:25 AM

    Re: HTTPS - How to get rid of warning/message caused by Cute Editor


    I have the same problem and i have purchased the version 6.

    The problem occurs when the client loads this URL :

    This URL is loaded in HTTP while all others are loaded in HTTPS in HTTPS contxt.

    Even if i click OK on dialog box, the problem is not solved because my environment serves only the HTTPS requests. Result i have a beautifull 502

    I think the problem comes from the file : Template.aspx. In this file I retrieve the pattern : <Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css>

    I think we have some mistake in the operations on referrer.

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