Re: CuteEditor focus using

  •  04-07-2005, 3:29 PM

    Re: CuteEditor focus using

    I believe I may have found out what is going on...It appears that the CuteEditor component script is being cached on the client (.NET OutputCache feature?).  My local browser was continuing to use the CuteEditor client scripts from my browser cache.  As soon as I cleared all local files/cookies/etc... from my local browser, I believe that the scripts were finally downloaded to my client browser and focus is now NOT being set (as expected).

    I still need to perform more testing from other users browsers to confirm 100% that this is what was happening.  If this is the case...I may need to have users clear their browser local files in order for their clients to start using the code.  Or is there a central place in the CuteEditor code that I could somehow force clients to get the updated client code?

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