2 Galleries in one aspx? One for public use and one for admin use... doesn't work

  •  04-06-2005, 6:26 PM

    2 Galleries in one aspx? One for public use and one for admin use... doesn't work

    I am trying to create a single aspx page containing 2 gallery forms: one for the public with all options turned off excpet for slideshow, and one for admin with most options turned on - both pointing to the same images folder. cool!

    WHen I run the page, the first form below my 'if' statement (user is logged in - admin) works just fine
    If I change my 'if' condition to render the second form below the else statement, the gallery renders but does not work. the browser says 'error on page'.

    Why is it doing this?
    Help is much appreciated.
    Some sample code:
      <% If sLogged= true then %>
       <form runat="server" ID="mainform1">
       <div align=center class="head"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rob Hixon's Gallery</b></div><br>
        Column = "3"
        Row = "2"
        AutoResizeUploadedImages = "true"  
        FolderPath = "~/Gallery/RobHixen"

      <% else %>

     <form runat="server" ID="mainform2">
        <div align=center class="head"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rob Hixon's Gallery</b></div><br>
         Column = "3"
         Row = "2"
         AutoResizeUploadedImages = "true"  
         FolderPath = "~/Gallery/RobHixen"

      <% end if %> 
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